PSSI Volunteers Serve at Papa Mike’s Café: A Community Engagement Experience

Oct 23, 2024

PSSI volunteers came together to help prepare and serve meals to thousands of community members in Fresno, CA at the Poverello House, providing a restaurant-style experience with dignity and care.


PSSI Volunteers Serve at Papa Mike’s Café: A Community Engagement Experience

At PSSI, we pride ourselves on teamwork and service—not only to our customers but to the communities we live in. Recently, in addition to making a $15,000 donation to help stock the kitchen, a group of our team members volunteered at Papa Mike’s Café, a café-style free kitchen at the Poverello House in Fresno, CA. Over the course of three days, different teams of PSSI volunteers came together to help prepare and serve meals to thousands of community members, providing a restaurant-style experience with dignity and care.

For many of our volunteers, this experience was about more than just lending a helping hand—it was about connecting with people, sharing stories, and recognizing the importance of giving back. PSSI Area Manager, Hector Calderon, who joined the team for all three days, shared his perspective:

“Volunteering at Papa Mike’s Café brought back memories for me. About 10 years ago, I volunteered at Poverello House with a youth group. It’s a great feeling to know that they’re still making a difference in the community. Working for a company like PSSI, it’s amazing to have the opportunity to serve our local community together.”

Each day, the volunteers were assigned different tasks. Some prepped food in the kitchen, slicing salami and preparing sandwiches, while others took on the role of servers—greeting guests, taking orders, and delivering meals. With Papa Mike’s Café feeding anywhere from 3,000 to 4,000 people a day, the scope of the work was immense.

“The scale of food preparation was eye-opening,” said Hector. “We were working with large quantities of food, but every slice, every sandwich was made with care, knowing it would make a real difference to someone in need. It was incredible to be part of something so much bigger than ourselves.”

At Papa Mike’s Café, the guests are treated like customers in a restaurant. They place their orders from a menu, and volunteers bring their meals directly to the tables. The experience was deeply meaningful for the PSSI team, allowing them to engage directly with individuals from the community.

“One of the most rewarding parts was serving the guests their breakfast and having conversations with them,” said Ricardo Marquez, Division Manager. “Some shared stories about their lives, others simply enjoyed a friendly ‘Good morning.’ It was a reminder that not everyone who comes to the Café is homeless—some are working families or individuals who just need a little help. It was humbling to be a part of that.”

What made the experience even more powerful was the opportunity to hear from the individuals working in the kitchen, many of whom were once served by Poverello House themselves. Now, they’ve turned their lives around and are giving back to the very organization that helped them.

“One of the kitchen staff members told me, ‘I’m giving back because they helped me when I was in need,’” said Hector. “It was inspiring to hear their stories and see them paying it forward.”

For PSSI, community engagement is an extension of the teamwork we practice every day. Whether we’re supporting our customers with sanitation solutions or serving meals at Papa Mike’s Café, we believe in working together for the greater good.

“We spend a lot of time focused on the safety and success of our customers,” Ricardo added. “Being able to step outside of that and work as a team in the community was incredibly fulfilling. Just an hour of your time can go a long way, and I’m grateful to work for a company that supports these efforts.”

PSSI remains committed to giving back and serving our communities. Supporting Papa Mike’s Café was a meaningful experience, and we look forward to more opportunities to make a positive impact.


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